

Founded in 1972, Indian Society for Applied Behavioral Science (ISABS) is a national, voluntary professional body of behavioral scientists engaged in applying their knowledge and skill to the well being of persons, organizations & communities. Its members work as community change agents, independent consultants, trainers, counselors, academicians, and human resource development managers.

ISABS programs focus on helping people to understand human processes better, and discover more creative and satisfying ways of relating and working.

ISABS utilizes group and experience-­‐based learning as its main learning methodology. Experiencing, reflecting, hypothesizing, conceptualizing and experimenting, rather than lectures are the chief ingredients in this process of learning. ISABS also develops professionals, capable of facilitating such experience-­‐based learning in organizational and societal contexts.

For more information about ISABS click here for a pdf-brochure.


The German Society for Group Dynamics and Organisational Dynamics (DGGO e.V.) is a network of experts for working in, and with, groups and organisations. The society works in Switzerland, Hungary and Germany. The work is based on the human-psychological research of Kurt Lewin.

Members of DGGO attach great importance to research, practice orientation and constant further development. They work in organisations and as freelance trainers or consultants.

It is through the various group/organisational dynamic offers, workshops, training sessions and seminars provided by the DGGO members and their institutes that one can experience the field forces and dynamics that are effective in social relationships, groups and societies.